6.1.0180 . dot CORE

( n -- )

Display n in free field format.




JohanKotlinskiavatar of JohanKotlinski [273] Suggested reference implementation2023-01-12 08:26:50

A possible implementation:

: . dup abs 0 <# #s rot sign #> type space ;

JohanKotlinskiavatar of JohanKotlinskiNew Version: [273]

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A possible implementation:

: . dup abs 0 <# #s rot sign #> type space ;

AntonErtlavatar of AntonErtlNew Version: [273]

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Now with stack effect comment:

: . ( n -- ) 
    dup abs 0 <# #s rot sign #> type space ;

AntonErtlavatar of AntonErtl

Thanks for your contribution. We will add it to the document when I get around to my editorial duties.

Closing (the committee does not need to look at it again).

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