6.1.2162 RSHIFT r-shift CORE

( x1 u -- x2 )

Perform a logical right shift of u bit-places on x1, giving x2. Put zeroes into the most significant bits vacated by the shift. An ambiguous condition exists if u is greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell.


T{    1 0 RSHIFT -> 1 }T
T{    1 1 RSHIFT -> 0 }T
T{    2 1 RSHIFT -> 1 }T
T{    4 2 RSHIFT -> 1 }T
T{ 8000 F RSHIFT -> 1 }T                \ Biggest
T{  MSB 1 RSHIFT MSB AND ->   0 }T    \ RSHIFT zero fills MSBs
T{  MSB 1 RSHIFT     2*  -> MSB }T
