- Foreword
- Proposals Process
- 200x Membership
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Terms, notation, and references
- 3 Usage requirements
- 4 Documentation requirements
- 5 Compliance and labeling
- 6 Glossary
- 7 The optional Block word set
- 8 The optional Double-Number word set
- 9 The optional Exception word set
- 10 The optional Facility word set
- 11 The optional File-Access word set
- 12 The optional Floating-Point word set
- 13 The optional Locals word set
- 14 The optional Memory-Allocation word set
- 15 The optional Programming-Tools word set
- 16 The optional Search-Order word set
- 17 The optional String word set
- 18 The optional Extended-Character word set
- Annex A: Rationale
- Annex B: Bibliography
- Annex C: Compatibility analysis
- Annex D: Portability guide
- Annex E: Reference Implementations
- Annex F: Test Suite
- Annex H: Alphabetic list of words
4 Documentation requirements
When it is impossible or infeasible for a system or program to define a particular behavior itself, it is permissible to state that the behavior is unspecifiable and to explain the circumstances and reasons why this is so.
4.1 System documentation
4.1.1 Implementation-defined options
The implementation-defined items in the following list represent characteristics and choices left to the discretion of the implementor, provided that the requirements of this standard are met. A system shall document the values for, or behaviors of, each item.
- aligned address requirements Addresses;
- behavior of 6.1.1320 EMIT for non-graphic characters;
- character editing of 6.1.0695 ACCEPT;
- character set (3.1.2 Character types, 6.1.1320 EMIT, 6.1.1750 KEY);
- character-aligned address requirements ( Addresses);
- character-set-extensions matching characteristics (3.4.2 Finding definition names);
- conditions under which control characters match a space delimiter ( Delimiters);
- format of the control-flow stack ( Control-flow stack);
- conversion of digits larger than thirty-five ( Digit conversion);
- display after input terminates in 6.1.0695 ACCEPT;
- exception abort sequence (as in 6.1.0680 ABORT");
- input line terminator ( User input device);
- maximum size of a counted string, in characters ( Counted strings, 6.1.2450 WORD);
- maximum size of a parsed string (3.4.1 Parsing);
- maximum size of a definition name, in characters ( Definition names);
- maximum string length for 6.1.1345 ENVIRONMENT?, in characters;
- method of selecting User input device;
- method of selecting User output device;
- methods of dictionary compilation (3.3 The Forth dictionary);
- number of bits in one address unit ( Addresses);
- number representation and arithmetic ( Internal number representation);
- ranges for n, +n, u, d, +d, and ud (3.1.3 Single-cell types, 3.1.4 Cell-pair types);
- read-only data-space regions (3.3.3 Data space);
- size of buffer at 6.1.2450 WORD ( Other transient regions);
- size of one cell in address units (3.1.3 Single-cell types);
- size of one character in address units (3.1.2 Character types);
- size of the keyboard terminal input buffer ( Input buffers);
- size of the pictured numeric output string buffer ( Other transient regions);
- size of the scratch area whose address is returned by
6.2.2000 PAD
( Other transient regions); - system case-sensitivity characteristics (3.4.2 Finding definition names);
- system prompt (3.3 The Forth dictionary, 6.1.2050 QUIT);
- type of division rounding ( Integer division, 6.1.0100 */, 6.1.0110 */MOD, 6.1.0230 /, 6.1.0240 /MOD, 6.1.1890 MOD);
- values of 6.1.2250 STATE when true;
- values returned after arithmetic overflow ( Other integer operations);
- whether the current definition can be found after 6.1.1250 DOES> (6.1.0450 :).
4.1.2 Ambiguous conditions
A system shall document the system action taken upon each of the general or specific ambiguous conditions identified in this standard. See 3.4.4 Possible actions on an ambiguous condition.
The following general ambiguous conditions could occur because of a combination of factors:
- a name is neither a valid definition name nor a valid number during text interpretation (3.4 The Forth text interpreter);
- a definition name exceeded the maximum length allowed ( Definition names);
- addressing a region not listed in 3.3.3 Data space;
- argument type incompatible with specified input parameter, e.g., passing a flag to a word expecting an n (3.1 Data types);
- attempting to obtain the execution token, (e.g., with 6.1.0070 ', 6.1.1550 FIND, etc. of a definition with undefined interpretation semantics;
- dividing by zero (6.1.0100 */, 6.1.0110 */MOD, 6.1.0230 /, 6.1.0240 /MOD, 6.1.1561 FM/MOD, 6.1.1890 MOD, 6.1.2214 SM/REM, 6.1.2370 UM/MOD, M*/);
- insufficient data-stack space or return-stack space (stack overflow);
- insufficient space for loop-control parameters;
- insufficient space in the dictionary;
- interpreting a word with undefined interpretation semantics;
- modifying the contents of the input buffer or a string literal ( Text-literal regions, Input buffers);
- overflow of a pictured numeric output string;
- parsed string overflow;
- producing a result out of range, e.g., multiplication (using *) results in a value too big to be represented by a single-cell integer (6.1.0090 *, 6.1.0100 */, 6.1.0110 */MOD, 6.1.0570 >NUMBER, 6.1.1561 FM/MOD, 6.1.2214 SM/REM, 6.1.2370 UM/MOD, M*/);
- reading from an empty data stack or return stack (stack underflow);
- unexpected end of input buffer, resulting in an attempt to use a zero-length string as a name.
The following specific ambiguous conditions are noted in the glossary entries of the relevant words:
- >IN greater than size of input buffer (3.4.1 Parsing);
- 6.1.2120 RECURSE appears after 6.1.1250 DOES>;
- argument input source different than current input source for 6.2.2148 RESTORE-INPUT;
- data space containing definitions is de-allocated ( Contiguous regions);
- data space read/write with incorrect alignment ( Address alignment);
- data-space pointer not properly aligned (6.1.0150 ,, 6.1.0860 C,);
- less than u+2 stack items (6.2.2030 PICK, 6.2.2150 ROLL);
- loop-control parameters not available (6.1.0140 +LOOP, 6.1.1680 I, 6.1.1730 J, 6.1.1760 LEAVE, 6.1.1800 LOOP, 6.1.2380 UNLOOP);
- most recent definition does not have a name (6.1.1710 IMMEDIATE);
- 6.2.2295 TO not followed directly by a name defined by a word with "TO name runtime" semantics (6.2.2405 VALUE and (LOCAL));
- name not found 6.1.0070 ', 6.1.2033 POSTPONE, 6.1.2510 ['], 6.2.2530 [COMPILE]);
- parameters are not of the same type 6.1.1240 DO, 6.2.0620 ?DO, 6.2.2440 WITHIN);
- 6.1.2033 POSTPONE, 6.2.2530 [COMPILE], 6.1.0070 ' or 6.1.2510 ['] applied to 6.2.2295 TO;
- string longer than a counted string returned by 6.1.2450 WORD;
- u greater than or equal to the number of bits in a cell (6.1.1805 LSHIFT, 6.1.2162 RSHIFT);
- word not defined via 6.1.1000 CREATE (6.1.0550 >BODY, 6.1.1250 DOES>);
- words improperly used outside 6.1.0490 <# and 6.1.0040 #> (6.1.0030 #, 6.1.0050 #S, 6.1.1670 HOLD, 6.2.1675 HOLDS, 6.1.2210 SIGN);
- access to a deferred word, a word defined by 6.2.1173 DEFER, which has yet to be assigned to an xt;
- access to a deferred word, a word defined by 6.2.1173 DEFER, which was not defined by 6.2.1173 DEFER;
- 6.1.2033 POSTPONE, 6.2.2530 [COMPILE], 6.1.2510 ['] or 6.1.0070 ' applied to 6.2.0698 ACTION-OF or 6.2.1725 IS;
- \x is not followed by two hexadecimal characters (6.2.2266 S\");
- a \ is placed before any character, other than those defined in 6.2.2266 S\".
4.1.3 Other system documentation
A system shall provide the following information:
- list of non-standard words using 6.2.2000 PAD ( Other transient regions);
- operator's terminal facilities available;
- program data space available, in address units;
- return stack space available, in cells;
- stack space available, in cells;
- system dictionary space required, in address units.
4.2 Program documentation
4.2.1 Environmental dependencies
A program shall document the following environmental dependencies, where they apply, and should document other known environmental dependencies:
- considering the pictured numeric output string buffer a fixed area with unchanging access parameters ( Other transient regions);
- depending on the presence or absence of non-graphic characters in a received string (6.1.0695 ACCEPT);
- relying on a particular rounding direction ( Integer division);
- requiring a particular number representation and arithmetic ( Internal number representation);
- requiring non-standard words or techniques (3 Usage requirements);
- requiring the ability to send or receive control characters ( Control characters, 6.1.1750 KEY);
- using control characters to perform specific functions 6.1.1320 EMIT, 6.1.2310 TYPE);
- using flags as arithmetic operands ( Flags);
- using lower case for standard definition names or depending on the case sensitivity of a system ( Definition names);
- using definition names of more than 31 characters in length ( Definition names);
- using the graphic character with a value of hex 24 ( Graphic characters).
4.2.2 Other program documentation
A program shall also document:
- minimum operator's terminal facilities required;
- whether a Standard System exists after the program is loaded.
[94] Executing compilation semanticsProposal2019-07-12 04:16:14
[268] Seemingly contradictory ambiguous condition?Request for clarification2022-09-08 07:51:27
While trying to document my ambiguous conditions, I came across this gem above:
"access to a deferred word, a word defined by 6.2.1173 DEFER, which was not defined by 6.2.1173 DEFER;"
It doesn't seem to mean anything. Do you know what it is supposed to mean?
[271] Comment2022-12-21 11:40:45
These documentation requirements seem burdensome and, in many cases, of little benefit to end users. I assume it is a holdover from ANS94. Is there any intent to relax this section in the future?
[338] Request for clarification2024-03-29 01:18:49
The section "4.1.2 Ambiguous conditions" says:
The following general ambiguous conditions could occur because of a combination of factors:
This wording seems unclear since in other places ambiguous conditions are declared using "to exist" rather than "to occur".
Don't you think this phrase should sound something like this:
- The following general ambiguous conditions exist and could occur because of a combination of factors: