NAME>COMPILE name-to-compile TOOLS EXT
( nt -- x xt )
x xt represents the compilation semantics of the word nt. The returned xt has the stack effect ( i * x x -- j * x ). Executing xt consumes x and performs the compilation semantics of the word represented by nt.
In a traditional xt+immediate-flag system, the
x xt returned by NAME>COMPILE is
typically xt1 xt2, where xt1 is the
xt of the word under consideration, and
xt2 is the xt of EXECUTE
(for immediate words) or COMPILE, (for words
with default compilation semantics).
If you want to POSTPONE nt, you can do so with
[56] NAME>COMPILE resultComment2018-05-24 08:13:36
If a system implements FIND, the xt returned by NAME>COMPILE should either be that of EXECUTE or that of COMPILE,; otherwise the result of FIND cannot represent the whole result of NAME>COMPILE. Given that, x is always another xt.
Maybe this should be added to the rationale of NAME>COMPILE.