Proposal: Licence to use reference implementations


This page is dedicated to discussing this specific proposal


PeterKnaggsavatar of PeterKnaggs [158] Licence to use reference implementationsProposal2020-09-03 15:13:50


Peter Knaggs


The Reference Implementation does not mention a licence to use the code.


In the E.1 Introduction to Annex E (Reference Implementations)

Remove the conjunctive clause of the last sentence.

, but it must exhibit the same behavior as the reference implementation given here

Add the following paragraph:

We give permission to use these implementations. We encourage you to improve on them as some of them are limited, system-specific and/or may contains bugs. They are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

PeterKnaggsavatar of PeterKnaggsNew Version: Licence to use reference implementations

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Peter Knaggs


The Reference Implementation does not mention a licence to use the code.


In the E.1 Introduction to Annex E (Reference Implementations)

Remove the conjunctive clause of the last sentence.

, but it must exhibit the same behavior as the reference implementation given here

Add the following paragraph:

We give permission to use these implementations under the creative commons (CC0 1.0) [1]. We encourage you to improve on them as some of them are limited, system-specific and/or may contains bugs. They are distributed in the hope that they will be useful.

PeterKnaggsavatar of PeterKnaggsNew Version: Licence to use reference implementations

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Peter Knaggs


The Reference Implementation does not mention a licence to use the code.


In the E.1 Introduction to Annex E (Reference Implementations)

Remove the conjunctive clause of the last sentence.

, but it must exhibit the same behavior as the reference implementation given here

Add the following paragraph:

We give permission to use these implementations under CC0 1.0 [1]. We encourage you to improve on them as some of them are limited, system-specific and/or may contains bugs. They are distributed in the hope that they will be useful.


AntonErtlavatar of AntonErtl

Vote #19: 12Y:0:0 Accepted

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