Proposal: Agenda Forth-200x interim Meeting 2023-02-17T15:00Z


This page is dedicated to discussing this specific proposal


UlrichHoffmannavatar of UlrichHoffmann [286] Agenda Forth-200x interim Meeting 2023-02-17T15:00ZProposal2023-02-17 09:06:20

Not sure my Mattermost message with the agenda for today's meeting came through to everyone. So I post it here again.

Hi @all

my calendar shows a meeting this Friday, 2023-02-17 we agreed on during the last meeting in September. I propose we start at 15:00 UTC (16:00 MET, 07:00 PST).

Please find attached the unsurprising agenda. If you have any remarks please do not hesitate to comment.

@gerald, I would appreciate if you could set up the conference system for the meeting but I could also provide a Zoom room if necessary.

Any comments welcome.

Best Regards, Ulli

Agenda Forth-200x interim Meeting 2023-02-17T15:00Z

16:00 MET
07:00 PST

Estimated duration 120 minutes + workshop

  • Welcome / Participants (10 min)

  • Agreement on the agenda (5 min)
    Do we have any additional points to discuss?

  • Review of Procedures (5 min)

  • Review of new Proposals and Contributions (since the September'22 meeting, 2022-09-14/15) (60 min) see and

    • [250] Formatting: spaces in data type symbols in formatting-spaces-in-data-type-symbols
      2022-09-17 11:27:57 - ruv
    • block, LOAD - Possible Test Case, Suggested Testcase
      2023-02-11 16:39:10 - JimPeterson
    • block, bs - "... the remainder of the current, line."? Request for clarification
      2023-02-11 16:04:29 - JimPeterson
    • block, THRU - Possible Reference Implementation, Suggested reference implementation
      2023-02-11 15:56:14 - JimPeterson
    • core, PICK - Example implementation for PICK, Suggested reference implementation
      2023-02-10 21:51:27 - ruv
    • core, ROLL - Example implementation for ROLL, Suggested reference implementation
      2023-02-10 21:32:22 - ruv
    • core, RESTORE-INPUT - About behavior or RESTORE-INPUT, Comment
      2023-02-07 16:09:01 - ruv
    • core, RESTORE-INPUT - Address of the input buffer after RESTORE-INPUT, Request for clarification
      2023-02-07 10:03:28 - ruv
    • core, d - Suggested reference implementation
      2023-01-12 08:26:50 - JohanKotlinski
    • relax-documentation-requirements-of-ambiguous-conditions
      [272] Relax documentation requirements of Ambiguous Conditions - Proposal
      2022-12-29 19:25:35 - JohanKotlinski
    • doc - Comment
      2022-12-21 11:40:45 - JohanKotlinski
    • core, CHAR - Describe Compile time and Run time behavior, Comment
      2022-11-19 09:25:07 - PopovMP
  • Bio Break (10 min)

  • Any other business (20 min)

    • A Forth 2022/2023 snapshot?
    • ...
  • Date of next meeting (5 min)

    • EuroForth-2023?
  • Workshop (Forth Modification Lab) (open end)

    • What are current Forth community topics
      • Memory operators 8, 16, 32, 64 bits - signed/unsigned
      • other topics?
    • discussion

AntonErtlavatar of AntonErtl

You can find my notes here. You can find your chores by searching for "Action: " followed by your shorthand. Let me know when you have finished them, so I can make links to your replies etc. in my notes.

LeonWagneravatar of LeonWagner

Archived for posterity

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