Proposal: Agenda Forth-200x interim Meeting 2023-02-17T15:00Z
This page is dedicated to discussing this specific proposal
[286] Agenda Forth-200x interim Meeting 2023-02-17T15:00ZProposal2023-02-17 09:06:20
Not sure my Mattermost message with the agenda for today's meeting came through to everyone. So I post it here again.
Hi @all
my calendar shows a meeting this Friday, 2023-02-17 we agreed on during the last meeting in September. I propose we start at 15:00 UTC (16:00 MET, 07:00 PST).
Please find attached the unsurprising agenda. If you have any remarks please do not hesitate to comment.
@gerald, I would appreciate if you could set up the conference system for the meeting but I could also provide a Zoom room if necessary.
Any comments welcome.
Best Regards, Ulli
Agenda Forth-200x interim Meeting 2023-02-17T15:00Z
16:00 MET
07:00 PST
Estimated duration 120 minutes + workshop
Welcome / Participants (10 min)
Agreement on the agenda (5 min)
Do we have any additional points to discuss?Review of Procedures (5 min)
Review of new Proposals and Contributions (since the September'22 meeting, 2022-09-14/15) (60 min) see and
- [250] Formatting: spaces in data type symbols
in formatting-spaces-in-data-type-symbols
2022-09-17 11:27:57 - ruv - block, LOAD -
Possible Test Case, Suggested Testcase
2023-02-11 16:39:10 - JimPeterson - block, bs -
"... the remainder of the current,
line."? Request for clarification
2023-02-11 16:04:29 - JimPeterson - block, THRU -
Possible Reference Implementation, Suggested reference implementation
2023-02-11 15:56:14 - JimPeterson - core, PICK -
Example implementation for PICK,
Suggested reference implementation
2023-02-10 21:51:27 - ruv - core, ROLL -
Example implementation for ROLL,
Suggested reference implementation
2023-02-10 21:32:22 - ruv - core, RESTORE-INPUT -
About behavior or RESTORE-INPUT,
2023-02-07 16:09:01 - ruv - core, RESTORE-INPUT -
Address of the input buffer after RESTORE-INPUT,
Request for clarification
2023-02-07 10:03:28 - ruv - core, d -
Suggested reference implementation
2023-01-12 08:26:50 - JohanKotlinski - relax-documentation-requirements-of-ambiguous-conditions
[272] Relax documentation requirements of Ambiguous Conditions - Proposal
2022-12-29 19:25:35 - JohanKotlinski - doc - Comment
2022-12-21 11:40:45 - JohanKotlinski - core, CHAR -
Describe Compile time and Run time behavior,
2022-11-19 09:25:07 - PopovMP
- [250] Formatting: spaces in data type symbols
in formatting-spaces-in-data-type-symbols
Bio Break (10 min)
Any other business (20 min)
- A Forth 2022/2023 snapshot?
- ...
Date of next meeting (5 min)
- EuroForth-2023?
Workshop (Forth Modification Lab) (open end)
- What are current Forth community topics
- Memory operators 8, 16, 32, 64 bits - signed/unsigned
- other topics?
- discussion
- What are current Forth community topics