Proposal: Right-justified text output
This proposal has been moved into this section. Its former address was: /standard/core/Dotq
This page is dedicated to discussing this specific proposal
[101] Right-justified text outputProposal2019-08-01 22:07:03
It would be nice to have something following the basic idea of .R and D.R for string output. Maybe it could be called ."R or .R"
: rtype ( c-addr u u2 -- )
\ print string represented by c-addr u right-justified in a u2-wide field
over - 0 max spaces type ;
This prints the full string if it is too wide; adjust as necessary if you want to truncate it in some way.
Thanks for the example!
I am proposing that something like that be added to the standard. Since there are right-justified output words for numbers, why not also have it for text?
Committee response
This was discussed at the standards meeting. Our conclusions are
We can't vote on this until it is a proper proposal, which should include common practice
The committee felt that the proposal is unlikely to pass
The code is simple to implement, and is more of a "Wouldn't It Be Nice If" than satisfying a real need.
Stephen Pelc
The committee asked me to retire this proposal, because the proponent has apparently abandoned it.
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