This code is meant as a reference implementation for bracket_IF and friends:
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\ @file : bracket_IF.fs
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\ Last change: KS 15.09.2023 19:45:47
\ @author: Klaus Schleisiek
\ @copyright: public domain
\ Traditionally, string comparison has been used to process [IF].
\ This version uses FIND instead.
\ Multiline comment * ...
\ ... *\ has been added, because it is trivial.
\ Conditional clauses may be commented out using (, , or *
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
: ?EXIT ( flag -- ) postpone IF postpone EXIT postpone THEN ; immediate
: case? ( n1 n2 -- n1 ff | tf ) over = dup IF nip THEN ;
Defer [ELSE] ( -- ) immediate
: [IF] ( flag -- ) ?EXIT postpone [ELSE] ; immediate
: [THEN] ( -- ) ; immediate
: [NOTIF] ( flag -- ) 0= postpone [IF] ; immediate
: [IFDEF] ( <name> -- ) postpone [DEFINED] postpone [IF] ; immediate
: [IFUNDEF] ( <name> -- ) postpone [DEFINED] postpone [NOTIF] ; immediate
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\ NEXT-WORD returns the xt of a word in the search order.
\ Words, which are not found, will be skipped.
\ 0 will be returned when the end of file is reached.
\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
: next-word ( -- xt | 0 )
BEGIN BEGIN BL word dup c@ WHILE find ?EXIT drop REPEAT drop
refill 0=
: *\ ( -- ) ; immediate \ end of multi-line comment
: * ( -- ) BEGIN next-word dup 0= swap ['] *\ = or UNTIL ; immediate
Variable Nestlevel 0 Nestlevel ! \ nesting level counter
: nest ( -- ) 1 Nestlevel +! ;
: unnest ( -- ) Nestlevel @ 1 - 0 max Nestlevel ! ; \ don't decrement below zero
: [if]-decode ( xt -- flag )
['] [IF] case? IF nest false EXIT THEN
['] [NOTIF] case? IF nest false EXIT THEN
['] [IFDEF] case? IF nest false EXIT THEN
['] [IFUNDEF] case? IF nest false EXIT THEN
['] [ELSE] case? IF Nestlevel @ 0= EXIT THEN
['] [THEN] case? IF Nestlevel @ 0= unnest EXIT THEN
['] \ case? IF postpone \ false EXIT THEN \ needed to be able to e.g. comment out [THEN]
['] ( case? IF postpone ( false EXIT THEN \ needed to be able to e.g. comment out [THEN]
['] * case? IF postpone * false EXIT THEN \ needed to be able to e.g. comment out [THEN]
0= abort" [THEN] missing" \ end-of-file reached?
\ all oter xt's are ignored
:noname ( -- ) BEGIN next-word [if]-decode UNTIL ; IS [ELSE]