Digest #130 2021-01-07


[173] 2021-01-05 08:24:25 MitraArdron wrote:

requestClarification - Obsoleted - by what?

If a word is flagged as obsolescent, shouldn't there be at least a pointer to the prefered alternative(s)?


[r586] 2020-12-29 07:14:19 AntonErtl replies:

example - Should this reference the optional word sets where SOURCE-ID is changed

The "See:" section references the FILE wordset version of SOURCE-ID.

[r587] 2020-12-29 07:27:48 AntonErtl replies:

example - Relationship to block set

Looking at LOAD, it says:

Store u in BLK (thus making block u the input source and setting the input buffer to encompass its contents)

SOURCE returns the input buffer. I am not happy with the "thus", because it implies that SOURCE checks the contents of BLK. However, because a standard program must not store into BLK by itself, a standard system can also implement LOAD in a way that affects SOURCE more directly (and SOURCE may be a 2VALUE or somesuch). But in any case, the effect of LOAD on SOURCE is clear, and a program does not need to check BLK before using SOURCE.

[r588] 2021-01-06 10:06:23 AntonErtl replies:

requestClarification - Obsoleted - by what?

If you want to append the compilation semantics of X, write POSTPONE X. If you want to append the execution semantics of a word with default compilation semantics, write X.