Digest #194 2022-08-16
In keeping with the style of other pronounciations (e.g., for s>d
), the pronounciation for s>f
should be "s-to-f".
In keeping with the style of other pronounciations (e.g., for s>d
), the pronounciation for f>s
should be "f-to-s".
In keeping with the style for -trailing
, the pronounciation of -trailing-garbage
should be "dash-trailing-garbage".
A better pronounciation would be "plus-x-slash-string".
Due to a bug in the web-site engine, now it renders two spaces as one in an inline code fragment:
: _BL ( -- c ) S" " DROP C@ ;
\ It shows a string having length 0
S" "
\ instead of a string having length 1
S" "
(it works in code blocks, but doesn't work in inline code fragments)
There are two styles if pronounciation for <
"less": 0< <# d0< du<
"less-than": < d< f0< f< u<
This should be unified. Either all "less" or all "less-than"
We have the same problem with >
"greater": #> 0>
"greater-than": > u>