Digest #102 2020-06-23


[138] 2020-06-21 09:31:29 MarekBrunda wrote:

comment - There is error in testing

This line: T{ -7 S>D 3 SM/REM -> 1 -2 }T

should be: T{ -7 S>D 3 SM/REM -> -1 -2 }T


[r376] 2020-06-11 07:00:33 ruv replies:

proposal - F>R and FR> to support dynamically-scoped floating point variables

I like this idea. The F>R and FR> words can be useful to implement the DESCRIPTOR-COMPOSITE ( td*i i -- td-new ) word.

[r377] 2020-06-11 12:24:07 ruv replies:

proposal - Recognizer RfD rephrase 2020

Terms definitions

to create a token descriptor (informally): to create an implementation dependent token descriptor object producing its identifier or producing a named definition that returns this identifier. (see other terms at GitHub/ForthHub/fep-recognizer)

An approach to create any token descriptor

If we will add one special predefined descriptor, we will be able to express any possible semantics for the token descriptors, without providing a reproducing or a postponing action.

This descriptor should describe a token that is a pair of xt: ( xt-interpret xt-compile ). Let's call it TD-DUAL for a while.

And let's consider an example: the string literals (see the parse-slit-end definition there). The old recognizer: rec-sliteral ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 rectype-slit|rectype-slit-parsing | 0 )

The new one:

\ Create the token descriptor for a token ( c-addr u  xt-interp xt-compil )
td-slit td-dual 2 descriptor constant td-slit-parsing

\ A helper that returns the second part of the fully qualified token
: token-slit-parsing ( -- xt-interp xt-compil td-slit-parsing ) ['] parse-slit-end  [: parse-slit-end slit, ;]   td-slit-parsing ;

\ The recognizer for a string literal: a lexeme that starts with '"' (quote)
: recognize-sliteral ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 td-slit | c-addr2 u2 xt-interp xt-compil td-slit-parsing | 0 )
  dup 0= if nip exit then
  over c@ '"' <> if 2drop 0 exit then
  1 /string dup 0= if token-slit-parsing exit then
  \ todo: fail if '"' is found in the middle of the string (c-addr1 u1)
  2dup + char- c@ '"' = if char- td-slit exit then

NB: we have to provide neither a reproducing action nor a postponing action. POSTPONE "abc" works as expected.

POSTPONE "x can work in the same way as POSTPONE S" — i.e., to append the compilation semantics for the corresponding lexeme. And the compilation semantics for "x is to parse characters up to ", prepend the result string with "x " and compile this united string. Although, I don't sure it has a practical application. If supported, it should work in this way from conceptual point of view, but it is not obligated to be supported.

Automation of POSTPONE action

StephenPelc wrote:

We cannot predict how recognisers will be used, so attempting to automate the POSTPONE actions is doomed to failure.

I know only one case when POSTPONE action cannot be automated: a special behavior that Anton suggested when POSTPONE is applied to a local variable, namely that POSTPONE local-x should be equivalent to local-x POSTPONE LITERAL, that is local-x LIT,. Actually, this behavior violates the specification for POSTPONE, that should append the compilation semantics for local-x in this case. And the only reason for this violation is to seamlessly use of local variables inside ]] ... [[ construct (in the simplest implementation).

Could somebody provide a correct POSTPONE action that cannot be automated?

[r378] 2020-06-22 16:56:58 AntonErtl replies:

comment - There is error in testing
