,---------------. | Contributions | `---------------´ ,------------------------------------------ | 2019-06-22 13:42:50 mcondron wrote: | requestClarification - Cell width for numbers | see: https://forth-standard.org/standard/core/num#contribution-84 `------------------------------------------ In the specification for #, the stack is shown with "ud". Does this mean that the Standard expects all numbers to manipulated internally as double-width? Or is the interface to the data stack supposed to be aware of whether a <# ... #> delimited conversion is in effect? Or is it the programmer's responsibility to manage data inside a <# ... #> conversion to ensure the data stack always has double-wide values? From the example/test given for # (GP3) it seems the latter is expected. ,---------. | Replies | `---------´ ,------------------------------------------ | 2019-06-21 06:06:18 AntonErtl replies: | requestClarification - execution of exit | see: https://forth-standard.org/standard/core/EXIT#reply-222 `------------------------------------------ Both are not standard programs. The reason is the following ambiguous condition listed in 4.1.2: > attempting to obtain the execution token, (e.g., with 6.1.0070 ', 6.1.1550 FIND, etc. of a definition with undefined interpretation semantics; Wrt. improving the standard: There is a closing parenthesis missing. Also, this ambiguous condition should not just be hidden in the System Documentation Requirements. After all, it documents a restriction on programs, not systems. ,------------------------------------------ | 2019-06-21 11:28:34 ruv replies: | example - Session timer and preseving contributions | see: https://forth-standard.org/meta-discussion#reply-223 `------------------------------------------ Could you please just make the session time longer? It seems for me there is no any issue if timeout will be about 7 days or even unlimited. For example, the session on StackOverflow does not expire at all. ,------------------------------------------ | 2019-06-21 14:04:19 ruv replies: | requestClarification - execution of exit | see: https://forth-standard.org/standard/core/EXIT#reply-224 `------------------------------------------ It is slightly confused that a word has execution semantics but it cannot be passed to `EXECUTE` or `COMPILE,` in a standard way. Perhaps there is a sense to specify the run-time semantics in place of the execution semantics ("Execution" section) for such words, — like it is done for some other words without specified interpretation semantics (like `IF`). Isn't it?