,---------------. | Contributions | `---------------´ ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-25 22:50:28 BerndPaysan wrote: | proposal - Known undefined word XLERB | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/known-undefined-word-xlerb#contribution-368 `------------------------------------------ ## Author: Bernd Paysan ## Change Log: 2024-11-25 initial version ## Problem: For documentation purposes, running tests, and provoking exceptions there is a need for a word that is never in the dictionary. ## Solution: Reserve `XLERB` as word that is not in the dictionary. An ambiguous condition exists if the user tries to define `XLERB` (a warning probably is sufficient). The name `XLERB` has been used in Starting Forth for this documentation purpose. ## Typical use: ![XLERB comic in Starting Fortn](https://www.forth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ch1-xlerb.gif) ``` T{ ' ' catch xlerb -> -13 }T T{ s" xlerb" find-name -> 0 }T : e-xlerb s" 3 to xlerb" evaluate ; T{ ' e-xlerb catch -> -13 }T ``` ## Proposal: Append the following text to Neither the system nor programs shall create a definition with the name `XLERB`, which is reserved for documentation and tests of well-known undefined definitions. Append the following ambiguous condition to 4.1.2, after item 2: * The definition name is `XLERB`. ## Reference implementation: empty ## Testing: ``` T{ ' ' catch xlerb -> -13 }T T{ s" xlerb" find-name -> 0 }T : e-xlerb s" 3 to xlerb" evaluate ; T{ ' e-xlerb catch -> -13 }T ``` ,---------. | Replies | `---------´ ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-04 01:16:31 BerndPaysan replies: | proposal - minimalistic core API for recognizers | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1359 `------------------------------------------ Concerning explicit access methods to xt-int/xt-comp/xt-post, I can offer the following compromise, as a result of observations made: It turns out that you **can not** access xt-int and xt-comp by setting `STATE`, executing the translator, and then reverting `STATE` to the value before, because words can change `STATE` as part of their interpretation or compilation semantics, and in that case, the state change is a desired result of performing interpretation or compilation semantics. However, it turns out that you **can** access xt-post that way, because the only word that possibly changes that state is `[[`, and that token is a) no visible at all to `POSTPONE`, and b) changes the state back to compilation state, the state `POSTPONE` was in anyhow. So if your system allows full explicit access to all three possible states, all translators have to be defined by 'TRANSLATE:', and I can offer you three access methods. If you only want to implement `POSTPONE`, the following definition actually works: : postpone ( "string" -- ) parse-name forth-recognize ?found state @ >r -2 state ! execute r> state ! ; immediate Further observations: Gforth has `>INTERPRET` and `>COMPILE`, and doesn't use them, only `>POSTPONE` is used. In exactly one place, in `POSTPONE`. All other invocations are through `EXECUTE` or only taking the data. The rest is implementation, including the extension towards more of those access methods for more, user-defined states. The question is whether you need to standardize a tool that has no use case, even if you don't bury it. A possible way to deal with this is to move this out to a separate proposal. What has been quite useful is the `EXECUTE` interface for user-written interpreters, because these are interpret-only, and don't need the complication of state-dependent translators at all. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-04 04:06:09 JimPeterson replies: | testcase - Incorrect test case | see: https://forth-standard.org/standard/core/MTimes#reply-1360 `------------------------------------------ MSB is not -1. It's the same as MIN-INT. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-04 11:21:24 BerndPaysan replies: | proposal - minimalistic core API for recognizers | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1361 `------------------------------------------ Sleeping over it added a few ideas: The invocation through changing `STATE` and restoring it works (in general) for translators that will definitely not change `STATE` as part of their own operation, e.g. translators for literals. It also works (as a special case) for `POSTPONE`, so a standard implementation of `POSTPONE` using that method is possible. The postpone mode itself, which needs to change `STATE` at `[[` relies on the dispatch through `STATE` without setting and restoring `STATE` around the invocation, so it also works. The question here is not if that implementation is a quality implementation, but whether it's not so bad that it is another bag full of inconsistencies. IMHO, `TRANSLATE-NT` will have demonstrable inconsistencies when not using the clean `TRANSLATE:` interface, but combined literal translators won't. For the cleaner interface outside of `POSTPONE` itself (which is special case enough to not require the cleaner interface), we have to demonstrate that there is an actual use case. So far, we don't have one. Both `POSTPONE` with the additional functionality and the postpone mode `]]` … `[[` will become part of the proposal. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-04 20:33:24 ruv replies: | proposal - New words: latest-name and latest-name-in | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/new-words-latest-name-and-latest-name-in#reply-1362 `------------------------------------------ > The question is: what do you want to solve? I want to solve a problem of obtaining the _nt_ of the definition that was placed into the compilation word list most recently. This is possible in any system in you know the name of this definition, but is unreasonably difficult to do in a standard program. I have given many examples where this functionality is in demand. > One problem here is that while it is still defined, you can't even search for it. Concerning _xt_, this problem is solved with the suggested word `germ`. Concerning _nt_ — do you have an example when you need _nt_ of the current definition? > Another problem is that you may never search for it, because it doesn't even have a name. In a standard program such a definition can only be created with `:noname`, and you have _xt_ of this definition on the stack under _colon-sys_. It is also possible to obtain this _xt_ with the suggested word `germ` during compilation of this definition. > And you want to access the last definition even after it was completed, so there's no current definition any longer. The _xt_ of an anonymous definition is on the stack. What is a problem? > Don't implement it that way, and that problem goes away. What problem goes away? The way you mentioned is pretty perfect, I think. > So if you use `LATEST-NAME-IN` in Gforth by looking into the current wordlist, you'd never get the current definition Yes, it is by design. Because there is no sound meaning what to return. If you want to return _nt_ for the definition compilation for which was started most recently, then you have to > The definition you want to access is the one you just defined (it may be incomplete or complete), and that's the last one in time. It always has an xt, it might not have an nt (and if it doesn't have one, that should be 0). The problem is that the last one in time (i.e., the definition whose compilation has been started most recently) is different before and after compilation of a nested definition. An example: ```forth : foo [ ( here the last nt is the nt for "foo" ) ] [: bar [ ( here the last nt is 0 ) ] ;] [ ( here the last nt is 0 ) ] ; ( here the last nt is 0 ) ``` If we will have multiple dictionary sections, a library can create other named definitions in other sections while during compilation of the user's definition. And what definition will be last in time? The word `germ` will return values as follows: ```forth : foo [ ( here germ returns xt for "foo" ) ] [: bar [ ( here germ returns xt for the quotation ) ] ;] [ ( here germ returns xt for "foo" ) ] ; ( here germ returns 0 ) ``` If we will have multiple dictionary sections, it will not change anything for `germ`, because `germ` returns the _xt _of the definition in which `compile,` would add semantics. ----- > So what we could implement is a `LATEST-NAME-IN` which returns the nt of the latest definition if the wid matches the current incomplete definition's wordlist. If you mean to return the nt for the current definition, then implementing `LATEST-NAME-IN` will require to **change** Forth systems that create _nt_ by `;` (semicolon) only. And what's the use of this? ----- > The first thing needed here is to really figure out what people actually want: The last element of a wordlist, the last incomplete definition of a wordlist (i.e. the element with the smudge bit set), or the last definition in time, regardless if it is completed or not, and what wordlist it goes into once completed. I have provide a number of examples when the last element of the compilation word list is needed or enough. Do you have practical examples when you need the nt of the current definition, or 0 if this definition is anonymous? ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-05 01:26:19 ruv replies: | proposal - minimalistic core API for recognizers | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1363 `------------------------------------------ @BerndPaysan [writes](https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1359): > It turns out that you can not access xt-int and xt-comp by setting `STATE`, executing the translator, and then reverting `STATE` to the value before, because words can change `STATE` as part of their interpretation or compilation semantics, and in that case, the state change is a desired result of performing interpretation or compilation semantics. This is wrong. Yes, the state change can be a desired result of interpretation or compilation semantics, but this **does not prevent us** from performing the interpretation or compilation semantics regardless the initial value of `STATE`, as I shown many times. We can use the following helpers for that. ```forth \ Useful factors : compilation ( -- flag ) state @ 0<> ; : enter-compilation ( comp: false -- true | comp: true -- true ) ] ; : leave-compilation ( comp: true -- false | comp: false -- false ) postpone [ ; \ For the execution semantics identified by xt, \ perform the part that can be observed in interpreted state. : execute-interpreting ( i*x xt -- j*x ) compilation 0= if execute exit then leave-compilation execute enter-compilation ; \ For the execution semantics identified by xt, \ perform the part that can be observed in compilation state. : execute-compiling ( i*x xt -- j*x ) compilation if execute exit then enter-compilation execute leave-compilation ; ``` If we have a result of recognizing with the _xt_ of a translator at the top (i.e., a fully qualified token), and we want to perform the corresponding interpretation semantics regardless of the current value of `STATE`, we should execute this _xt_ with `execute-interpret`. If we want to perform the corresponding compilation semantics regardless of the current value of `STATE`, we should execute it with `execute-compiling`. If we want to perform the semantics according to `STATE`, we should just execute this _xt_ with `execute`. The key point in the implementation of `execute-interpreting` and `execute-compiling` is that we do not save/restore `STATE` if it matches the semantics we want to perform — and if changing `STATE` is part of the semantics, `STATE` will be changed. On the other hand, if `STATE` does not match the semantics we want to perform, we change `STATE` and then restore it — if changing `STATE` is part of the semantics, then it will change `STATE` **to the same value that was saved** and to one we restore it to. Thus, the resulting `STATE` will be as expected! NB: `execute-interpreting` and `execute-compiling` are also required if we want to perform the interpretation semantics or compilation semantics from an _nt_, regardless the current value of `STATE`. Moreover, these words are required even in the [old approach](https://forth-standard.org/proposals/recognizer#reply-897) for Recognizer API, which provides the words `RECTYPE>INT` and `RECTYPE>COMP` — because these words have the same flaw for state-dependent words as `NAME>INTERPRET` and `NAME>COMPILE`. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-05 03:29:18 ruv replies: | proposal - minimalistic core API for recognizers | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1364 `------------------------------------------ @AntonErtl [writes](https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1352) about **token translators**: > if you specify exactly what happens, it leads to lengthy texts that explain the state-dependence, and the three different cases. And you cannot even specify when xt-post is performed, because there is no "postpone state" in the standard. On the contrary the current document specifies that STATE is either 0 (interpretation state) or non-zero (compilation state), without any values left for a postpone state, and specifies only words for getting into interpretation state and compilation state, not postpone state. This is reasonable. And we also discussed in the Recognizer chat group that the standard does not imply such a state as postponing (for the Forth text interpreter). In my opinion, these problems can be avoided. 1. We should specify "to translate a token" and "token translator" in the common sections of term definitions, data types and usage requirements. Then, we do not need to repeat that for every token translator. It will be enough to specify that a word is a token translator, and the data type of the token (that it translates). 2. We can have a word like `postpone-token ( qt -- )` that append the compilation semantics of a lexeme, which was recognized as _qt_, to the current definition. (_qt_ is a qualified token, which is a pair of an unqualified token and token translator _( uq tt )_) So, any additional state, if any, is encapsulated into `postpone-token`. The standard should not specify it. Thus, `postpone` can be defined like this (in my parlance): ```forth : postpone ( "name" -- ) parse-lexeme perceive ?found postpone-token ; ``` How `postpone-token` finds/performs the postponing action from _tt_ — it's an internal problem of implementation. The word `postpone-token` should throw the exception -32 "invalid _name_ argument" if a postponing action is not associated with _tt_. We need to provide a way to associate a postponing action (an xt) with a tt, or to create a new tt from an xt and tt. The postponing action should be **optional**. The user needs to provide a postponing action only if they want to make `postpone` applicable to the corresponding lexemes. For example, we can have an optional word `postponable ( tt1 xt.postponing -- tt2 )`. Probably, this word shall return the same tt2 for the same input pair `( tt1 xt.postponing )`. This word is optional, because it can be implemented along with `postpone-token` in a standard program, and `postpone` can be redefined to use then. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-07 13:43:25 achowe replies: | proposal - Incorrect use of semantics terms | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/incorrect-use-of-semantics-terms#reply-1365 `------------------------------------------ Circular references in implementation examples are ***hugely confusing*** when used before the definition exists. In the above example the definitions of `LIT,` and `leave-compilation` reference `POSTPONE` before it is defined. A word like `POSTPONE` is conceptually very complex, compared to say `SWAP`, that many misunderstandings by novice developers arise from these circular references. It has been commented before that circular references in implementation examples are acceptable and might make for quick clean short code, but IMO they simply compound the confusion to anyone who is not a Committee member nor seen the evolution of the language. This harms learning and adoption by new comers. Would this be clearer? ``` : lit, (C: x -- ; S: -- x ) ['] LIT COMPILE, , ; : leave-compilation ( -- ) 0 STATE @ ; ``` ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-07 22:05:41 BerndPaysan replies: | proposal - New words: latest-name and latest-name-in | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/new-words-latest-name-and-latest-name-in#reply-1366 `------------------------------------------ Nested definitions require some form of nested dictionary, and in fact, it looks like the easiest way to implement some form of `LATEST` in that context is to tie it to that nesting. There are only few cases in Gforth, where the latest nt or 0 is needed, and `REVEAL` is one of them: it only needs to do something when `LATEST` is non-zero. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-08 11:19:32 ruv replies: | proposal - New words: latest-name and latest-name-in | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/new-words-latest-name-and-latest-name-in#reply-1367 `------------------------------------------ > There are only few cases in Gforth, where the latest nt or 0 is needed, and `REVEAL` is one of them: it only needs to do something when `LATEST` is non-zero. So, `REVEAL` in Gforth should only have an observable effect when the current definition exists, is a named definition, and is not already placed into the compilation wordlist. That is, it should not add it into the compilation wordlist twice. Taking into account that _xt_ is a subtype of _nt_ in Gforth, `REVEAL` can use the word `GERM ( -- xt | 0 )` that returns the _xt_ of the current definition (that is also an _nt_ in Gforth). ```forth : reveal ( -- ) germ 0= if exit then \ no current definition germ string>name nip 0= if exit then \ unnamed definition germ get-current latest-name-in = if exit then \ already revealed germ ( nt ) ... \ place nt into the compilation word list ; ``` Note that we rely on the fact that `latest-name-in` cannot return an _nt_ that is not available to `traverse-wordlist` (and hence to `find-name-in`). Of course, the check if _nt_ is already revealed may be different in Gforth. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-08 13:16:17 ruv replies: | proposal - Incorrect use of semantics terms | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/incorrect-use-of-semantics-terms#reply-1368 `------------------------------------------ > Circular references in implementation examples are _**hugely confusing**_ when used before the definition exists. Actually, it is a polyfill that intentionally redefines `postpone`. Yes, to make it clearer, a system-dependent implementation can be provided. For example, assuming that `[` and `literal` are **immediate words**: ```forth : compilation ( -- flag ) state @ 0<> ; : enter-compilation ( -- ) ] ; : leave-compilation ( -- ) ['] [ execute ; : execute-compiling ( i*x xt -- j*x ) compilation if execute exit then enter-compilation execute leave-compilation ; [undefined] lit, [if] : lit, ( x -- ) ['] literal execute-compiling ; [then] ``` Is it simpler? `postpone` is the same. `['] LIT COMPILE, ,` is more system specific and could be difficult to understand. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-13 09:32:32 ruv replies: | proposal - minimalistic core API for recognizers | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1369 `------------------------------------------ @AntonErtl [writes](https://forth-standard.org/proposals/minimalistic-core-api-for-recognizers#reply-1352): > In that case there is also no need for the translators to actually be executable. The recognizer could return an opaque translation token, I researched this approach. In general, a recognizer returns a _qualified token_ (_qt_) on success, where a _qualified token_ is a pair of an _unqualified token_ (_uq_) and a _token descriptor_ (_td_). Data type relations: - unqualified token: `ut => ( S: i*x F: k*r )` - token descriptor: `td => x\0` - qualified token: `qt => ( ut td )` It is always possible to define a word `translate-qtoken ( any qt -- any )`, which translates a qualified token (i.e., performs the interpretation or compilation semantics for the corresponding recognized lexeme depending on STATE). And as practice shows, it is very useful and in demand. Additionally, in Forth, it is always technically possible to make the token descriptor also a token translator (that is a subtype of the execution token), without any loss (see an [example](https://github.com/ruv/forth-design-exp/blob/master/lexeme-translator/variation/ttoken.via-state-selector.getter.fth)). - token translator: `tt => xt ; td = tt` So, instead of using a separate word `translate-qtoken`, we can use the word `execute`. And the Forth text interpreter simply executes the token translator (instead of applying `translate-qtoken` to _qt_). Note that regardless whether the token descriptor is a subtype of the execution token, the token descriptor is opaque for the Forth text interpreter. The only difference is whether `translate-qtoken` or `execute` is using by the Forth text interpreter. The big advantage of token translators is that they can be defined inline as quotations, and they can be used to define other token translators. This simplifies programs and reduces the lexical size of programs. Also, token translators allow us to define dual-semantics words simpler. For example, this is a definition for `[']`, which has the expected interpretation semantics: ```forth : ['] ( -- xt | ) ' tt-xt ; immediate ``` See also in [my gist](https://gist.github.com/ruv/84f8ff1a7c761dba030e11cecea9d283#file-missing-fth-L25) the word `missing(`, which has the expected interpretation and compilation semantics. Without token translators such words are more difficult to implement. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-20 16:49:28 AntonErtl replies: | proposal - CS-DROP (revised 2019-08-22) | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/cs-drop-revised-2019-08-22-#reply-1370 `------------------------------------------ In the 2020 meeting the committee accepted this proposal in vote #18 with 11Y:0N:1A. ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-23 18:46:34 AntonErtl replies: | proposal - Remove the “rules of FIND” | see: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/remove-the-rules-of-find-#reply-1371 `------------------------------------------ The committee accepted this wording change in the 2020 meeting with vote #10 10Y:0:0 ,------------------------------------------ | 2024-11-25 08:36:33 AntonErtl replies: | requestClarification - diff from CORE FIND? | see: https://forth-standard.org/standard/search/FIND#reply-1372 `------------------------------------------ In the latest draft, there is really no difference between core `FIND` and search-order `FIND`, because the difference has been factored out into Sections 3.4.2 and 16.3.3, as well as into 2.1 and 16.2. Therefore I propose to delete `FIND`, and instead add a link to 16.3.3 to 6.1.1550 `FIND`. Given that we already have this contribution, I just reopen it instead of creating a new proposal.