# Request for clarification ## [372] May `CODE` be a parsing word? ([tools, CODE #372](/standard/tools/CODE#contribution-372)) 2024-12-30 17:37:44 - ruv ## [371] The search order and compilation word list after a marker execution ([core, MARKER #371](/standard/core/MARKER#contribution-371)) 2024-12-05 09:25:19 - ruv ## [370] Return Stack Notation Mildly Inaccurate ([core, qDO #370](/standard/core/qDO#contribution-370)) 2024-12-03 21:05:42 - JimPeterson ## [364] How to perform the interpretation semantics for a word ([tools, NAMEtoINTERPRET #364](/standard/tools/NAMEtoINTERPRET#contribution-364)) 2024-09-23 15:52:38 - ruv ## [359] Behavior of EMPTY-BUFFERS when BLK is nonzero ([block, EMPTY-BUFFERS #359](/standard/block/EMPTY-BUFFERS#contribution-359)) 2024-08-12 13:32:06 - ruv ## [356] State of other stacks after ABORT ([core, ABORT #356](/standard/core/ABORT#contribution-356)) 2024-08-08 13:37:48 - ruv ## [355] Temporary removing system-compilation items ([usage #355](/standard/usage#contribution-355)) 2024-08-05 11:19:09 - ruv ## [353] compile semantics or compile action of literal word ([core, LITERAL #353](/standard/core/LITERAL#contribution-353)) 2024-07-29 13:31:50 - kumaym ## [352] Unspecified ambiguous condition in /STRING ([string, DivSTRING #352](/standard/string/DivSTRING#contribution-352)) 2024-07-28 17:17:53 - ruv ## [348] Stack diagram for `{:` ([locals, bColon #348](/standard/locals/bColon#contribution-348)) 2024-07-01 12:02:00 - ruv ## [346] Eliminating ambiguous conditions for Tick ([core, Tick #346](/standard/core/Tick#contribution-346)) 2024-06-20 15:25:45 - ruv ## [342] Data type of a parameters in `c!` ([core, CStore #342](/standard/core/CStore#contribution-342)) 2024-06-11 15:56:58 - ruv ## [341] Usage of the `n|u` data type ([core, Plus #341](/standard/core/Plus#contribution-341)) 2024-06-01 15:39:34 - ruv ## [340] Data space seems to be used invonsistently when comparing the definitions of "character string" and "data space". ([notation #340](/standard/notation#contribution-340)) 2024-05-29 20:11:10 - TKurtBond ## [338] ([doc #338](/standard/doc#contribution-338)) 2024-03-29 01:18:49 - ruv ## [337] Behavior of `0 SPACES` ([core, SPACES #337](/standard/core/SPACES#contribution-337)) 2024-03-04 14:46:42 - ruv ## [329] are colon-defs supposed to be compiled in data space? ([core, Colon #329](/standard/core/Colon#contribution-329)) 2024-01-05 17:07:09 - lmr ## [327] diff from CORE FIND? ([search, FIND #327](/standard/search/FIND#contribution-327)) 2023-12-31 13:04:17 - lmr ## [326] shadowed names ([tools, TRAVERSE-WORDLIST #326](/standard/tools/TRAVERSE-WORDLIST#contribution-326)) 2023-12-26 18:09:55 - lmr ## [324] control stack clearing? ([core, QUIT #324](/standard/core/QUIT#contribution-324)) 2023-12-24 03:10:07 - lmr ## [321] NAME<INTERPRET, NAME>TO, NAME<TO ([tools, NAMEtoINTERPRET #321](/standard/tools/NAMEtoINTERPRET#contribution-321)) 2023-12-20 06:09:31 - lmr ## [320] Negative n values ([search, SET-ORDER #320](/standard/search/SET-ORDER#contribution-320)) 2023-12-19 22:16:40 - lmr ## [318] NDCS xt ([search, SEARCH-WORDLIST #318](/standard/search/SEARCH-WORDLIST#contribution-318)) 2023-12-17 18:15:48 - lmr ## [315] WORD and the text interpreter ([core, WORD #315](/standard/core/WORD#contribution-315)) 2023-11-27 18:02:20 - AntonErtl ## [310] Why do we use +n and not u in the stack diagram for n>r and nr> ([fix-stack-comments-for-n-r-and-nr- #310](/proposals/fix-stack-comments-for-n-r-and-nr-#contribution-310)) 2023-09-23 01:06:43 - ruv ## [285] Location of floats parsed from source ([float #285](/standard/float#contribution-285)) 2023-02-17 02:48:38 - AidanPitt-Brooke ## [274] Address of the input buffer after RESTORE-INPUT ([core, RESTORE-INPUT #274](/standard/core/RESTORE-INPUT#contribution-274)) 2023-02-07 10:03:28 - ruv ## [268] Seemingly contradictory ambiguous condition? ([doc #268](/standard/doc#contribution-268)) 2022-09-08 07:51:27 - phisheep ## [259] Should QUIT propagate exceptions? ([core, QUIT #259](/standard/core/QUIT#contribution-259)) 2022-08-18 12:09:37 - ruv ## [245] :NONAME Primitives ([core, ColonNONAME #245](/standard/core/ColonNONAME#contribution-245)) 2022-07-05 16:22:37 - flaagel ## [238] Same execution token ([usage #238](/standard/usage#contribution-238)) 2022-06-13 22:40:38 - ruv ## [237] 3.4.5 conflicts with [: … ;] ([usage #237](/standard/usage#contribution-237)) 2022-05-11 12:45:05 - AtH ## [236] Trigonmetric Functions in Forth ([float, FSIN #236](/standard/float/FSIN#contribution-236)) 2022-04-11 17:49:49 - OldSpoon ## [228] Accessing Remaining Data Stack? ([locals #228](/standard/locals#contribution-228)) 2022-03-08 20:58:26 - JimPeterson ## [226] c-addr used in stack diagrams ([core, Cq #226](/standard/core/Cq#contribution-226)) 2022-03-06 21:06:16 - LSchmidt ## [223] chasing for dangling words referred to ([testsuite #223](/standard/testsuite#contribution-223)) 2022-02-27 20:58:46 - LSchmidt ## [201] Implementation for «S"» via the immediacy mechanism ([file, Sq #201](/standard/file/Sq#contribution-201)) 2021-05-18 01:22:07 - ruv ## [162] Extending MARKER ([core, MARKER #162](/standard/core/MARKER#contribution-162)) 2020-09-16 15:33:45 - JennyBrien ## [151] Getting execution semantics from nt ([tools #151](/standard/tools#contribution-151)) 2020-08-29 08:10:26 - ruv ## [147] Annex A section and paragraph numbering has gone wrong ([rationale #147](/standard/rationale#contribution-147)) 2020-08-21 18:41:19 - GerryJackson ## [144] What happens when parse reaches the end of the parse area and the parse delimiter was not found? ([core, PARSE #144](/standard/core/PARSE#contribution-144)) 2020-08-01 13:42:29 - JamesNorris ## [143] Does the wording of the rules imply that if you SYNONYM a word with the same name in the same wordlist and then 'look it up', you will get the old word? ([tools, SYNONYM #143](/standard/tools/SYNONYM#contribution-143)) 2020-07-26 11:22:42 - JamesNorris ## [130] The parts of execution semantics and the calling definition ([core, Colon #130](/standard/core/Colon#contribution-130)) 2020-02-21 15:32:19 - ruv ## [111] Ambiguous conditions ([file, REFILL #111](/standard/file/REFILL#contribution-111)) 2019-08-28 13:06:05 - ruv ## [110] Etymology of ">IN" name ([core, toIN #110](/standard/core/toIN#contribution-110)) 2019-08-26 12:25:27 - ruv ## [109] description of "nt" in the standard ([tools #109](/standard/tools#contribution-109)) 2019-08-25 21:58:52 - KrishnaMyneni ## [108] Does LIST transfer data to any buffer? ([block, LIST #108](/standard/block/LIST#contribution-108)) 2019-08-11 15:53:04 - mcondron ## [106] Getting the block contents ([block, LOAD #106](/standard/block/LOAD#contribution-106)) 2019-08-10 00:37:10 - mcondron ## [105] When to set BLK to zero? ([block, EVALUATE #105](/standard/block/EVALUATE#contribution-105)) 2019-08-09 23:21:51 - mcondron ## [103] SOURCE-ID and nesting EVALUATE ([core, EVALUATE #103](/standard/core/EVALUATE#contribution-103)) 2019-08-04 15:14:25 - mcondron ## [102] Environment dependence of test cases ([core, toIN #102](/standard/core/toIN#contribution-102)) 2019-08-03 12:56:27 - mcondron ## [99] Test example numeric base? ([core, BL #99](/standard/core/BL#contribution-99)) 2019-08-01 00:27:14 - mcondron ## [97] The specification of CATCH ([exception, CATCH #97](/standard/exception/CATCH#contribution-97)) 2019-07-19 14:52:07 - GerryJackson ## [95] Ambiguous conditions ([core, TO #95](/standard/core/TO#contribution-95)) 2019-07-14 09:59:48 - ruv ## [93] POSTPONE [IF] ([tools, BracketIF #93](/standard/tools/BracketIF#contribution-93)) 2019-07-10 14:52:51 - ruv ## [91] Address between runs ([core, BUFFERColon #91](/standard/core/BUFFERColon#contribution-91)) 2019-07-09 12:54:28 - ruv ## [88] How can the zero result be used in a Standard program? ([tools, NAMEtoINTERPRET #88](/standard/tools/NAMEtoINTERPRET#contribution-88)) 2019-07-02 10:29:22 - JennyBrien ## [85] Etymology and naming issue ([string, UNESCAPE #85](/standard/string/UNESCAPE#contribution-85)) 2019-06-25 09:18:19 - ruv ## [83] execution of exit ([core, EXIT #83](/standard/core/EXIT#contribution-83)) 2019-06-20 16:01:08 - ruv ## [82] Terminology and wording regarding "dictionary" ([notation #82](/standard/notation#contribution-82)) 2019-06-04 08:26:12 - ruv ## [81] Overflow/underflow ([core, Plus #81](/standard/core/Plus#contribution-81)) 2019-05-21 23:30:20 - mcondron ## [80] Numeric overflow/underflow ([core, PlusLOOP #80](/standard/core/PlusLOOP#contribution-80)) 2019-05-21 03:17:42 - mcondron ## [79] Receiving a zero-length string ([core, ACCEPT #79](/standard/core/ACCEPT#contribution-79)) 2019-05-20 20:19:43 - ruv ## [77] Behavior at end of line and end of data ([core, ACCEPT #77](/standard/core/ACCEPT#contribution-77)) 2019-05-11 12:15:10 - mcondron ## [74] [if] and [else] parse white space - including comments ([tools, BracketELSE #74](/standard/tools/BracketELSE#contribution-74)) 2019-02-08 15:23:02 - StephenPelc ## [72] Should TO be findable? ([core, TO #72](/standard/core/TO#contribution-72)) 2018-09-22 09:05:37 - ruv ## [70] ALSO without VOCABULARY ([search, ALSO #70](/standard/search/ALSO#contribution-70)) 2018-09-18 12:51:27 - AtH ## [69] the confusing names ([core, BUFFERColon #69](/standard/core/BUFFERColon#contribution-69)) 2018-09-11 18:09:27 - ruv ## [59] How to change email address ([ #59](/meta-discussion#contribution-59)) 2018-06-06 12:08:03 - GerryJackson ## [30] Case sensitivity ([string, SUBSTITUTE #30](/standard/string/SUBSTITUTE#contribution-30)) 2017-07-10 18:29:41 - alextangent ## [28] UTF-8 and Unicode codepoint maximum ([xchar, X-SIZE #28](/standard/xchar/X-SIZE#contribution-28)) 2017-02-14 19:53:17 - alextangent ## [23] Source of a string ([core, ACCEPT #23](/standard/core/ACCEPT#contribution-23)) 2016-10-01 12:47:01 - ruv ## [11] ([core, Tick #11](/standard/core/Tick#contribution-11)) 2015-12-25 23:32:43 - JohanKotlinski