# Request for clarification ## [374] `NAME>STRING` result is transient ([tools, NAMEtoSTRING #374](/standard/tools/NAMEtoSTRING#contribution-374)) 2025-01-22 16:50:21 - ruv ## [373] where definition is compiled? ([core, ColonNONAME #373](/standard/core/ColonNONAME#contribution-373)) 2025-01-22 15:36:24 - pda ## [363] Clarification on what constitutes an ambiguous condition for this word. ([core, PICK #363](/standard/core/PICK#contribution-363)) 2024-09-19 14:31:15 - gethbo ## [362] Behavior on oversized WORD ([core, WORD #362](/standard/core/WORD#contribution-362)) 2024-09-03 23:23:24 - soundwave ## [354] definion and use of colon-sys and nest-sys ([core, Colon #354](/standard/core/Colon#contribution-354)) 2024-08-04 19:34:46 - kumaym ## [347] Behavior of `represent` when buffer length is zero ([float, REPRESENT #347](/standard/float/REPRESENT#contribution-347)) 2024-06-28 23:47:44 - ruv ## [339] Is it possible to eliminate the need for `UNLOOP`? ([core, UNLOOP #339](/standard/core/UNLOOP#contribution-339)) 2024-05-13 08:33:18 - ruv ## [336] The Standard page does not show Chapters 1-5 ([ #336](/meta-discussion#contribution-336)) 2024-02-17 21:34:45 - Josef ## [335] An ambiguous condition in LSHIFT ([core, LSHIFT #335](/standard/core/LSHIFT#contribution-335)) 2024-02-05 15:46:57 - ruv ## [332] PAD alignment ([core, PAD #332](/standard/core/PAD#contribution-332)) 2024-01-20 20:26:44 - ThomasPornin ## [331] loopsys in data? ([core, DO #331](/standard/core/DO#contribution-331)) 2024-01-08 06:17:40 - lmr ## [328] throw code for compiling outside a definition ([core, COMPILEComma #328](/standard/core/COMPILEComma#contribution-328)) 2024-01-05 08:52:21 - lmr ## [319] Nested invocation, ret stack ([tools, TRAVERSE-WORDLIST #319](/standard/tools/TRAVERSE-WORDLIST#contribution-319)) 2023-12-18 04:59:48 - lmr ## [297] Multi-line ( behavior ([file, p #297](/standard/file/p#contribution-297)) 2023-05-02 21:22:18 - JohanKotlinski ## [282] Is data stack required? ([core, SAVE-INPUT #282](/standard/core/SAVE-INPUT#contribution-282)) 2023-02-14 20:17:30 - JohanKotlinski ## [279] "... the remainder of the current line."? ([block, bs #279](/standard/block/bs#contribution-279)) 2023-02-11 16:04:29 - JimPeterson ## [231] Double> ([core, MTimes #231](/standard/core/MTimes#contribution-231)) 2022-04-04 21:04:46 - AdrianMcMenamin ## [230] Question about final test ([core, UMTimes #230](/standard/core/UMTimes#contribution-230)) 2022-04-02 21:58:34 - AdrianMcMenamin ## [229] inconsistent naming ([search, FORTH-WORDLIST #229](/standard/search/FORTH-WORDLIST#contribution-229)) 2022-03-18 14:04:40 - LSchmidt ## [227] Contradiction With do-loops ([locals #227](/standard/locals#contribution-227)) 2022-03-08 20:39:59 - JimPeterson ## [205] Why "[" is specified using immediacy? ([core, Bracket #205](/standard/core/Bracket#contribution-205)) 2021-07-14 17:47:02 - ruv ## [197] Web site problem? ([right-bracket #197](/standard/right-bracket#contribution-197)) 2021-05-05 17:24:29 - JimPeterson ## [196] Return value of XC-WIDTH for control characters ([xchar, XC-WIDTH #196](/standard/xchar/XC-WIDTH#contribution-196)) 2021-04-30 19:05:32 - PeterFalth ## [193] How many cells can be compared ? Must have any limit ? ([string, COMPARE #193](/standard/string/COMPARE#contribution-193)) 2021-04-25 19:52:16 - agsb ## [190] ALLOT in ROMable systems ([core, ALLOT #190](/standard/core/ALLOT#contribution-190)) 2021-04-18 09:07:57 - TG9541 ## [189] Advantages of a Forth system with a STATE flag? ([core, STATE #189](/standard/core/STATE#contribution-189)) 2021-04-17 07:08:48 - TG9541 ## [186] Does the standard assume that DEFER was created with CREATE? ([core, DEFERStore #186](/standard/core/DEFERStore#contribution-186)) 2021-04-14 17:41:19 - TG9541 ## [185] Stack effect of LEAVE during compilation ([core, LEAVE #185](/standard/core/LEAVE#contribution-185)) 2021-04-04 10:35:03 - ruv ## [183] Size of implementation dependent data types ([usage #183](/standard/usage#contribution-183)) 2021-03-30 16:05:59 - ruv ## [181] Is a counted string limited to 255 chars? ([core, COUNT #181](/standard/core/COUNT#contribution-181)) 2021-03-10 14:50:29 - PaulHorth ## [180] Can `BLOCK` transfer from mass storage in the case when block u is already in a block buffer? ([block, BLOCK #180](/standard/block/BLOCK#contribution-180)) 2021-03-05 13:31:11 - StevePalmer ## [179] Can `BLOCK` transfer from mass storage in the case when block u is already in a block buffer? ([block, BLOCK #179](/standard/block/BLOCK#contribution-179)) 2021-03-05 13:16:46 - StevePalmer ## [176] Is Tick Immediate? ([core, Tick #176](/standard/core/Tick#contribution-176)) 2021-01-22 02:52:22 - JimPeterson ## [175] GT1 not defined ([core, POSTPONE #175](/standard/core/POSTPONE#contribution-175)) 2021-01-21 06:32:53 - MitraArdron ## [174] write-cell-mem undefined ([memory, ALLOCATE #174](/standard/memory/ALLOCATE#contribution-174)) 2021-01-13 03:56:09 - MitraArdron ## [173] Obsoleted - by what? ([core, BracketCOMPILE #173](/standard/core/BracketCOMPILE#contribution-173)) 2021-01-05 08:24:25 - MitraArdron ## [150] Get execution semantics from nt ([search #150](/standard/search#contribution-150)) 2020-08-28 11:29:47 - ruv ## [135] Word set of S>D word ([core, StoD #135](/standard/core/StoD#contribution-135)) 2020-05-29 10:10:51 - ruv ## [134] Reference implementation does not seem to cope with changes to the stack ([tools, BracketELSE #134](/standard/tools/BracketELSE#contribution-134)) 2020-04-10 23:20:57 - rrt ## [125] Why RECURSE is needed? ([core, RECURSE #125](/standard/core/RECURSE#contribution-125)) 2020-01-09 21:15:01 - Blackice ## [123] license ([implement #123](/standard/implement#contribution-123)) 2019-10-23 11:57:39 - JohanKotlinski ## [86] The case of undefined interpretation semantics ([tools, BracketDEFINED #86](/standard/tools/BracketDEFINED#contribution-86)) 2019-06-26 12:09:31 - ruv ## [84] Cell width for numbers ([core, num #84](/standard/core/num#contribution-84)) 2019-06-22 13:42:50 - mcondron